Going dry or getting divorced?

The Midlife Revolution

Going dry or getting divorced?

December 7, 2022

Doing ‘dry January’ is pretty popular and commonly talked about.
The month of January isn’t popular just for being dry…this is less talked about though…

January is often referred to as the “divorce month” as traditionally, Divorce Day lands on the first working day of January.

In 2021, the average divorce rate in the UK was 42%, whilst globally it is 48%. There are of course many reasons behind this high rate of divorces, but infidelity is one of the most commonly cited reasons for divorce in the UK according to the Office of National Statistics.

Despite infidelity being so common all over the world, those of us who have experienced it are hesitant to share our stories. Infidelity, its consequences, and its impact (on everyone involved, not just the betrayed) isn’t talked about enough and there isn’t enough common understanding about it. Investigate UK reports that 25.4 percent of married men and 18.3 percent of married women have committed adultery at least once during their marriage.

According to LA Intelligence Detective Agency:

  • 30 to 60 percent of married couples will cheat at least once in their marriage
  • 74 percent of men and 68 percent of women admit they’d cheat if it was guaranteed they’d never get caught
  • An average affair lasts two years
  • 69 percent of marriages break up as a result of an affair being discovered

Infidelity seems like one of our society’s worst-kept dirty little secrets. We all know it’s happening, yet we approach it thinking, That will never happen to me, despite the statistics suggesting quite a high likelihood for a lot of us. Although infidelity is rightfully considered a bad thing, not talking about it means the real underlying issues and effects—like trust issues or a deep sense of unworthiness—are simply brushed under the carpet.


I am not here to judge, there are many reasons behind some less than desirable human behaviors. I’m also not here to predict the future but looking at the history of divorces, more broken hearts will be joining those unfortunate statistics in a few weeks.

This time last year I was happily married (or so I thought) and had no idea about those stats, let alone knowing that I would be joining them within a few hours of the clock striking midnight on NYE. I know the mental, emotional and physical hell this can cause, and since I worked and studied hard to learn how to move on from it FAST and with wisdom, not wounds, whilst getting better and not bitter, I know how to deal with it effectively.

If you happen to be on this unfortunate journey, I am so sorry to hear this and I am here to support you. I’d like to extend my helping hand via my ‘how to get over your heartbreak fast and with wisdom, not wounds’ free session.

💫 Get better not bitter
💫 Choose courage over fear 
💫 Choose wisdom over wounds
💫 Lead with love, not hatred


Love, Nina x

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